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EComms Chat Server and VoIP net

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EComms Chat Server and VoIP net
We are growing a new chat server in the Inland Empire that is quite robust. Currently it is running on a Linux quad core blade server at a hardened repeater site. The server allows for private chat rooms as well as public forums. Come by and check it out. If you would like to use it for your CERT Team or other comms groups set up a room and start testing. Currently on Monday nights at 8:00 PM we are running a VoIP/Chat net using the Town Square group on this server as well as the VoIP conference bridge at (909) 7099 password 1234. Join us.

The chat server can be accessed at ​http://kk6ort-debian.local.mesh:1001/. It is hosted on the AI6BX-1-AR-HP-Repeater.local.mesh node.

Software name?

Install Instructions?

This forum is suppose to be about promoting building deployments for your local network not for advertising a service that may not be accessible in a disaster.
Please forgive me
I am certainly sorry for not providing more detail and my intent was not to advertise a service that would not be available. The intent was an invitation to come check out the service, get to know it by using so one could form an opinion, ask questions, and join in a network.

The platform used is MatterMost. It currently resides on a Dell RC-210 server located at a hardened repeater location with Edison, generator, and battery back up. The server is running Debian 9. MatterMost can run on much lighter platforms howerver we landed it here for the security of the site and fact that it is currently a hub to several other key backbone locations.

We would be happy to support anyone wishing to deploy with detailed instructions or support. What is running is freeware. Join us for our Monday night net for an open discussion and questions!


Keith - AI6BX

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