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Dumb switch usage

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Dumb switch usage
Hi everyone,

I am about to buy network switches for our still in planing deployment. Most sites will be using ES-8XP. My go-kit would be an ES-5XP.

As far as it goes, the switches would be more than enough for most situations, but if more ethernet ports are needed, is it possible to add a "cheap dumb switch" for non-POE devices like laptops ?

I do not have an available dumb switch to make tests... but with cheap prices for 24 and 48ports unmanaged switches, If a "command center" is deployed on the go, I just have to add/plug the switch to the kit.

Thank you for your help,

I would anticipate no issues,

I would anticipate no issues, as long as your dumb switch is connected to one of the designated 'LAN' ports on the main 'smart' switch, which would then make all devices on the secondary switch part of 'LAN'.

Also, consider the network size of your LAN, and make sure it is sized large enough for all of the anticipated LAN devices--meaning enough DHCP IP addresses to dole out.

Thanks KB9OIV!
Thanks KB9OIV!
Exactly what I was thinking, but it is always worth to have 2nd toughts.

Will test when I receive the switches and get backs here for future reference.

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