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Different Link Quality of adiacent nodes

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AC2OG's picture
Different Link Quality of adiacent nodes
I noted that the LQ assumes different values if evaluated from different points of view. Why?
The quality of the Link I3RKE-1-Leo with IR3UFR1-Pizzoc1-sud, assumes two different values when evaluated from one side and the other.
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K6CCC's picture
Why an issue?
You don't think that the signal could be different in different directions?
At least those two are close.
AC2OG's picture
Why an issue
I never considered it an issue, but something to be clarified to me at least!
k1ky's picture
Different Link Quality of adjacent nodes
The values can be different if there is "interference" affecting receive on one end which doesn't affect it on the other end for one thing.  Many factors could be involved, overload from nearby sources could also be a factor.
AC2OG's picture
Different Link Quality of adjacent nodes
Understood and I agree. The term Quality of the link led me to consider it evaluated as total quality from both points of view (LQ + NLQ). Obviously not. 
kc8ufv's picture
There are many factors that
There are many factors that could change it at different points. The NLQ should match what the remote node shows for the LQ for that specific link, and vice-versa. Could be a nearby transmitter desensing a node, or a higher noise floor at one end, or even possibly different reflections in different directions - think of light thru glass - RF is just longer wavelength light....
AC2OG's picture
There are many factors that
Yes, the two evaluations should be considered as LQ and NLQ Thanks

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