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Demo/Test Hardware Question

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Demo/Test Hardware Question

Just wanted to run something by the forum to make sure I have a true understanding of how these work.

I'm working on drumming up interest with the local groups. To get some hands on and to setup a demo, I could as an example get 3 Pico Stations. They all can communicate with each other (assuming same SSID, band and channel)? There is no real concept of a access point or client, they all function the same? Its nice those are low cost so the initial investment is low. Would there be any other sueestions for a test/demo setup that is low cost?

I have plenty of L2 and L3 switches so I'm covered in that respect.


K5DLQ's picture
I use AirRouters to demo/loan
I use AirRouters to demo/loan.
around $40 each, includes a 5 port switch, and POE so you can can easily demo WAN connections, tunnels, and DTDLinking if needed.
WL7COO's picture
Hi Darryl, can you share how you are: configuring AirRouters?

Can an airRouterHP simultaneously be used, (configured as a MESH AP or Standard AP?) for generic wifi  'hotspot' access to an AREDN node at a QTH or Served Agency while functioning as a Gateway to Internet or Agency WAN that has functioning Internet access? 

I'm envisioning circumstance where a given client might be best served by simultaneous access to the MESH and normal organizationally 'local' resources.

If this has been detailed in a discussion pls point me at it or suggest search term to use.

TIA, 73   ...dan wl7coo

AE6XE's picture
Dan,   to provide standard

Dan,   to provide standard wifi access (directly on the mesh network or on a foreign network on the WAN side of the mesh network),  this is best accomplished by configuring an existing AP device, could be as low cost as a $20 AirGateway.    We avoid spending our time in the AREDN firmware to essentially reinvent the wheel and enable AP and other readily available capabilities.  Thus, we can concentrate our energies on building part 97 mesh network technologies.


N8NQH's picture
some ideas here:http://www
AE6XE's picture
"They all can communicate
"They all can communicate with each other (assuming same SSID, band and channel)? There is no real concept of a access point or client, they all function the same?"

Yes and Yes.  and any device you attach (on the LAN) of one of these nodes, will be able to reach and talk to any other device on any PicoStation.   The demo could have 2 voip phones and figure out what IP they both have, then do direct dial IP to IP to establish a call.  webserver, file share, etc. on one, then access from a laptop on another Pico, and so on.

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