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Connecting Flashed GL USB 150 to Wi-Fi

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Connecting Flashed GL USB 150 to Wi-Fi
So, I just flashed my new GLi USB 150 and I would like it to connect to the internet. Only my Hap is CAT6 connected to the router and thus getting an internet connection. How do I get my GLi USB 150 (or any node not connected to a router) to connect to my local wi-fi internet? 

Thanks. de K2PMD
K6CCC's picture
The USB150 can be connected
The USB150 can be connected to a local 802.11 WiFi OR the AREDN mesh - but NOT both at the same time. 

If you are connected to the USB150 via a computer that the USB150 is plugged into (which means that the computer is normally getting an IP address from the USB150), the changover is a little easier.  Go into the normal AREDN Setup page, and turn off the AREDN mesh, and save changes, then enable the WiFi and tell the USB150 the SSID and password of the desired 802.11 WiFi for it to connect to.  Save that and then do the required reboot.  After the reboot, the USB150 will be connected to the 802.11 WiFi and NOT to the AREDN mesh.

If you are doing this remotely, it's a little more involved.  The steps are pretty much the same, except it is important to NOT reboot until you have completed both procedures - else you will have no connectivity to the USB150.
Thanks so much. I appreciate your clear instructions. I was able to figure this out. The key seems to be that the USB150 cannot do both at the same time. 
K6CCC's picture
Correct.  There is only one
Correct.  There is only one radio.  It can do only one thing at a time.

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