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Compatible Meraki Configuration

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Compatible Meraki Configuration
I work at Meraki and do disaster relief with ITDRC. I've floated the idea internally at Meraki that it would be nice if we could add a feature in our dashboard to enable an AREDN compatible mesh configuration on managed Meraki APs.

So, let's say I had a 2.4Ghz/5Ghz Meraki AP and I wanted to enable AREDN Mesh connectivity on the 2.4Ghz radio and local wifi on the 5Ghz network and configure the vlans such that the node had an internet uplink to the rest of my network. Maybe even add compatible tunnels for connecting unattached mesh areas.

In theory this could be done in a hackathon. Is there anyone who could help me determine all of the right parameters for the various configurations that Meraki would need to have on it's side?

If I could get it done in an acceptable way this would make it so a managed Meraki device could be an AREDN mesh node with a few clicks and I know quite a few disaster relief deployments that were done with Meraki licensed hardware end remotely managed via their dashboard.

This probably wouldn't be something that would be really supported by Meraki but if I could get it done on licensed hardware it might be something that could be allowed. I'm still investigating that part.

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