How do you have your switches configured and why?
1 LAN, 3 DTD, 1 WAN (1-3-1)? pc, 3 bands nodes, tunnel
2 LAN, 2 DTD, 1 WAN (2-2-1)? pc/phone, 2 bands, tunnel
3 LAN, 2 DTD (3-2-0)? pc/phone/RPi, 2 bands
How do you have your switches configured and why?
1 LAN, 3 DTD, 1 WAN (1-3-1)? pc, 3 bands nodes, tunnel
2 LAN, 2 DTD, 1 WAN (2-2-1)? pc/phone, 2 bands, tunnel
3 LAN, 2 DTD (3-2-0)? pc/phone/RPi, 2 bands
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