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Collaboarative Spreadsheet

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Collaboarative Spreadsheet
Hi everyone,

I'm curious if anyone has found a collaborative spreadsheet that can be deployed on a server on mesh, with absolutely zero internet support.

I'm not looking for a huge work collaboration package, just wondering if there is the ability for multiple mesh users to have one spreadsheet open at the same time.  We can share files fine on a file server, but is there something where we can all see and edit together in real time?  Essentially Google Sheets without Google or the Google servers.

There is a standalone real

There is a standalone real-time collaborative editor (described here in the AREDN docs), but I'm not aware of a spreadsheet like Etherpad.

w6bi's picture
Web-based spreadsheet

I'd wondered about this too for years, and finally did some searching.  I found Ethercalc.    I don't know if it's capable of supporting simultaneous users, but at least it's web-based and open-source.

The how to install doc is here:

Orv W6BI

kj6dzb's picture
Im not suggesting that tool
Im not suggesting that tool set will be free of charge. You may need specific hw to self host. check out the following:

de Mathison KJ6DZB

w6bi's picture
A better choice might be Nextcloud Office, as it's open source and includes a spreadsheet, which is what he's asking about.  It looks like the free version of Owncloud is only file-sharing.   Or am I missing something?
Orv W6BI
The ethercalc looks

The ethercalc looks interesting, will dive in when I have time.

Everyone has the ability to create documents.  Our mesh area has had sucess with FileGator and Citadel installs.  NextCloud exists on our mesh in one or two installations, however to get it to work on mesh it apparently took a programmer a lot of work to remove the internet dependencies.

Another issue is that each server is an island, and if we lose mesh to that location or the device dies we lose the content.  So documents during an emergency when we actually are relying on mesh (no internet) could include

1  wanting to share documents (we have this ability now, but each server is vulnerable as they don't auto update content across servers).  Different versions of the same document could be in different locations making it harder to keep clear what is current information.

2  collaborative documents (where everyone can see an open document at the same time, and simultaneously edit and/or comment)

It's (2) I'm looking at now.  The ethercalc might be helpful ... I'll work with our local EM managers to evaluate as you can bet 100% they will ask for tools like this.


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