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Cellular Aircard support request - AirRouter WAN on USB port AirRouter

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k1ky's picture
Cellular Aircard support request - AirRouter WAN on USB port AirRouter
Has the development team thought about enabling a WAN feature/capability on the USB port of the AirRouter devices?  It would be desirable to be able to plug something like a Franklin U770 or similar device that can supply Internet to the USB port. Instant portable tunnel and Internet source for the MESH system.

This would be a great feature
This would be a great feature.  I have been cellular MIFI4620 Verizon for several years.
One of my biggest problems is that the cellular and Mesh confuse each other and lock up till one or the other is unplugged.
I currently have a temporary solution meshed at 10 miles.
K5DLQ's picture
We did have lengthy
We did have lengthy discussions about this and landed on the decision to NOT prioritize this at this time. 
Namely for the following reasons:
  1. Our primary focus with AREDN is EMCOMM, and relying on cell service in a disaster is not compatible with EMCOMM.
  2. There are so many variations of cell modem devices that keeping up with all the possibilities would be time consuming.
  3. XW hardware support is more critical to solve since the XM hardware will start "drying up" in the near future.

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