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Can't navigate using Tunnel

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Can't navigate using Tunnel

Hello folks,
I had a working tunnel (client) on a hAP Lite.  Then all of a sudden it stopped working.  The tunnel still connects me to the tunnel server, the cloud icon shows I"m connected, and I can navigate and see services hosted on my immediate neighbor node.  A full mesh status page appears, either from my node or the one that is providing the tunnel to me.

However, all the links from there further don't work.  I can't look at any remote nodes, and cannot open any services on remote nodes.  These are all areas I could navigate to and use before.

The provider of the tunnel is very capable, and has others with working connections.  We can't figure out what's the issue.  Any ideas?


I can navigate to my current neighbor (the tunnel server) but not to any Remote Nodes.

Does anyone want to see the Support Data to troubleshoot, or is this not relevant?


k1ky's picture
What versions? Equipment?
What version firmware and equipment involved? What changed?
firmware version:
MikroTik RouterBOARD 952Ui-5ac2nD (hAP ac lite)

New tunnel as previous server went away.  Worked fine for a few days then symptoms as described above.  Several nightly builds applied for the heck of it didn't fix anything.  When I click a node or a service, a new window opens like it should, but nothing appears and the browser times out.


Well folks, it's fixed as of
Well folks, it's fixed as of now.  I'm waiting for the tunnel server provider to tell me what happened.  If I can I'll share back here.
Thanks,  Ed
Can't navigate using tunnel - resolution?

Wonder what was found on the previous post about being unable to navigate across tunnel connections.

I have three MikroTik hAP lite routers, one is a tunnel server and two clients.  About a month ago I noticed I could not connect to the remote tunnel nodes even though I showed the tunnels active and VoIP and other traffic passes across with no problem.  All nodes are running the latest firmware.  Today I downgraded the server node to firmware version and everything works as expected. 

Is there a known bug in the firmware?  I've searched this thread and noticed multiple people reporting this but I don't see any resolution.

-Charles, K5CS

nc8q's picture
VoIP and other traffic passes across with no problem.
+1 K6CCC
Is 'other traffic' by IP or name?

73, Chuck

K6CCC's picture
By name or IP?
Were you trying to access by node name or IP address?  I don't remember what versions have been affected, but there are some recent versions that have seen issues with node names not propagating properly.
VoIP and other traffic passes across with no problem
Thanks for the reply.  My problem is when I click on the node name links in the mesh status window.  I get a message that the node cannot be found. 

When I mention VoIP and other traffic passes across with no problem I am probably connecting via IP address.  An example, N1MM networking works fine and SIP traffic is OK also.  So I guess the problem is a node name issue.  I was unaware there was an issue with node name propagation.  I'll reinstall the latest firmware release & try connecting via IP address.  But in my opinion, node name is the way to go.

-Charles, K5CS

You may be experiencing this

You may be experiencing this issue which was fixed in mid-February and is available in the Nightly Build firmware.

You may be experiencing this
Thanks for the updated info...Early to mid February is about the time I upgraded my hardware from Ubiquiti to MikroTik so I downloaded what was then the latest firmware, not knowing about the bug.  Been trying to troubleshoot since then.  Good to know the fix is in the nightly build.  I'll update the firmware tonight.

N5MXI's picture
I'm having the same issue

Hardware: MikroTik  hAP ac lite

On I was able to navigate tunnels. After upgrading to a nightly update last week I was initially able to navigate tunnels and Cloud Mesh however I have lost this capability. I reverted back to and still can't navigate tunnels. :( Data does seem to cross the tunnel fine.

HH# 5456 / HOIP# 100193

w6bi's picture
Cloud Mesh
The changes needed for your localnode to become 'supernode-aware' are in the latest nightly build.  It's needed for proper behavior.   I suspect you have something else going on there.   There was some discussion of some route flapping going on in the supernodes which would impact your ability to get anywhere on the Cloud Mesh.  There's been a patch issued for that but it won't appear until the next nightly build (sometime in December probably).

Orv W6BI
nc8q's picture
reverted back to and still can't navigate tunnels.
Hi, David:

If "reverted back to and still can't navigate tunnels",
Then perhaps the problem exists at the other end of your tunnel.

73, Chuck


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