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Cannot select the option for 5 mhz channel width with Mikrotik LHG 5 AC firmware

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Cannot select the option for 5 mhz channel width with Mikrotik LHG 5 AC firmware
Does anyone  know if there is a limitation with the MikroTik RouterBOARD LHG 5 AC XL firmware that stops the selection of a 5 mhz channel width.  We have one of out members who has just installed a Mikrotik 5XL AC dish and the option to select 5 mhz does not appear.   Are there any other setup parameters which could constrain having the option to use this selection.

This is the version of the firmware that was installed.

We have several high elevation sites servicing longer distance connections (> 60 km links) so we have mostly been using 5 mhz channel width for many of our links.


5 MHz on Mikrotik
Chris -I

I am not familiar with your LHG 5AC, but we have a lot of  hAP ac lite  nodes in our mesh, and none can provide 5 MHz bandwidth on 2.4 GHz.  You might try searching this Forum.  I think I remember some research results about this being an issue with the hardware.

--Tim K5RA

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