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I have been given an M2 Bullet from the estate of a silent key. Unfortunately it has his call sign and I have no password or USR sign in details. Can you help and explain how I might be able to get in to setup and change the call sign details and password etc.

Is the Bullet an M2 or an
Is the Bullet an M2 or an M2HP? In either case, there is a reset button on the bottom of the unit right next to where the network cable plugs in. If resetting the unit as per the UBNT website doesn't wipe out the password and set the IP address back to, then the unit can be reflashed. If the unit is an M2 only, then reflash it with UBNT firmware since the unit isn't compatible with Aredn firmware. If it is an M2HP, then either UBNT or Aredn should work.

If it comes to reflashing, I hope you are familiar with how to do TFTP.

More later as others weigh in.

Thanks for that. It has been

Thanks for that. It has been flashed with AREDN firmware as a mesh node but not the latest  released version.

Since it is already flashed
Since it is already flashed to Aredn, you can grab the firmware to flash it to Aredn as if you were doing it for the first time. Don't grab the upgrade one. You will need a TFTP server but those are easily downloaded. Using a paperclip, hold down the reset button while connecting the Ethernet cable. Keep holding it for about 15 seconds until the LEDs start flashing 2x2. At this point you should be able to ping it at Using TFTP, "put" or load the firmware. Don't interrupt is for several minutes or until the LEDs act normal. The rest of the instructions are on this website for your configuration.

There may be more responses from the Aredn people that have a better way but this worked and works for me.

If running AREDN:
If running AREDN:
After the node has fully booted, press and hold the reset button for 5 seconds, this resets to default password of "hsmm", the username is always "root".
Press and hold for 15 seconds does a "reset to just flashed status" the node will reboot and come back online as if it had just been freshly flashed.

TFTP really is a "last resort" recovery and shouldn't be needed in most cases.

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