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Bullet M2HP Installation

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KW7RS's picture
Bullet M2HP Installation
Perhaps someone in Tucson will be looking at this portion of the forum.  Need help with existing screwed up Bullet M2HP.  Also have new Bullet M2HP that I need assistance with setting up PROPERLY.  Therefore, if someone experienced in Tucson can help please chime in.  Thanks.

n0kfb's picture
Hello Rolly
Hello Rolly

Have you made any progress with this? 

I 'screwed up' a Bullet M2 to the point where I was unable to load anything on it, and was able to load 3rd party firmware using the serial port to initiate TFTP over the Ethernet port. I am still not able to re-load to Ubuquiti factory firmware, but that is not that big of a deal for me.

--Dan Meyer / n0kfb 

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