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Bullet M2 Tunnel

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Bullet M2 Tunnel
Quick question (Maybe :)  ) ...  What would be the max amount of tunnel connections on a bullet that also has somewhere between 10 and 20 RF clients
K5DLQ's picture
The theoretical limits are:
The theoretical limits are:

10 incoming clients
10 outgoing server connections
OLSR Reboot
the OLSR router keeps rebooting when the radio starts getting real busy.. only 3 active tunnels right now...So was thinking maybe running out of memory resources... Sits on a 2.8 Gbit/s backbone on top of Southfork Mt. west of redding, ca... so internet access is not a issue either... using a ts-5 sw for power and vlan.

Lots to learn but the routing and vlans are my everyday job and RF... :)
K5DLQ's picture
I suggest opening a ticket in
I suggest opening a ticket in and uploading a supportdata file from the node.

Thxs , will do
Thxs , will do
k1ky's picture
Tunnel Connections
I find that anything over 7 active incoming connections can cause some problems with reliability.  The number of nodes that are "checked" in the list can also have an effect. I try to limit it to 8 "checked" incoming nodes.  It seems that memory availability is key. Rockets seem to be better suited for this activity - improvements have been made in the tunneling - I suggest trying the latest development 164 code and see what happens.
kj6dzb's picture

Thanks for the info on 7 clients max!!! 

Is there going to be a 2017 release? Im not seeing messages but it sounds like there is something cooking!

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