the OLSR router keeps rebooting when the radio starts getting real busy.. only 3 active tunnels right now...So was thinking maybe running out of memory resources... Sits on a 2.8 Gbit/s backbone on top of Southfork Mt. west of redding, ca... so internet access is not a issue either... using a ts-5 sw for power and vlan.
Lots to learn but the routing and vlans are my everyday job and RF... :)
I find that anything over 7 active incoming connections can cause some problems with reliability. The number of nodes that are "checked" in the list can also have an effect. I try to limit it to 8 "checked" incoming nodes. It seems that memory availability is key. Rockets seem to be better suited for this activity - improvements have been made in the tunneling - I suggest trying the latest development 164 code and see what happens.
10 incoming clients
10 outgoing server connections
Lots to learn but the routing and vlans are my everyday job and RF... :)
Thanks for the info on 7 clients max!!!
Is there going to be a 2017 release? Im not seeing messages but it sounds like there is something cooking!