I've an "old" Bullet BM2-HP that I converted some 4 years ago. It's since been in storage for quite awhile. I connected it to a Win7 laptop, logged into "localnode ..." and up came the GUI as expected. Trusting neophyte that I am, and having successfully updated a pair of AirRouters, I tried to update the Bullet. It failed and gave every appearance of being locked up. Of course I failed to write down the
AREDN firmware version number I had put on it.
Put the laptop Ethernet port into static IP No joy. Could one of the more expert hams offer guidance on how to proceed forward?
Follow the TFTP procedure as if it was a brand new node. Make sure you use the AR71XX version and not the ATH79 version. I have found that on a pair of NanoBridges (which also use the Bullet firmware) that they will get bricked 100% of the time if using the ATH79 version of the firmware.
the Nanobridge is supported on the ar71xx architecure
Always check the downloads page for your device.