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The AREDN YouTube channel is "DEAD"?

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The AREDN YouTube channel is "DEAD"?

Just an FYI...

I was telling a Non Ham friend of mine about all the things you can do with Amateur Radio, he is a non-believer and scoffs at Hams saying we are holding on to old technology, etc.

I told him about AREDN, he went on the AREDN YouTube channel and was making fun of me because there hasn't been any new videos posted for 3 YEARS.

This has given him even more fuel for his anti HAM viewpoint, and he now says Amateur Radio is a dying hobby and the lack of posting regarding the AREDN channel proves it.

I was also personally shocked that this is the case. :(

J.D. Redmond - WW1ZRD

K6CCC's picture
I did not know that there was
I did not know that there was a AREDN You-Tube channel...
nc8q's picture
? AREDN YouTube channel ?
Hi, J.D.:

Please share the URL of this alleged 'AREDN Youtube' channel.

Whoop! Here is one:

73, Chuck

w6bi's picture
AREDN videos
A lot of the AREDN-related videos are not in the AREDN channel; most of them are posted by individuals in their own channels.

Orv W6BI
KN0O's picture
good videos
That channel has some content that answers my thread on if AREDN has been used in emergencies. This video shows use during wildfires in 2017 in California and exercises using video streaming for a command center, a triage setup, a race coordination, and I think a test of the computer aided dispatch capability.
KN0O's picture
presentation this year
Here's a presentation from this year, if you want to show the topic isn't dead:

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