Hi all,
In response to all the requests for tunnel connections, the AREDN team has created an cloud-based tunnel server to create a large/global mesh network. We have been testing this server with a limited number of clients over the last few weeks with good success.
It is now time to take the testing to the next level.
(I'm only posting here in the forums for now to limit the number of requests initially.)
We are looking for additional testers who would like to connect.
There are a few requirements/notes that you should be aware of.
By connecting to this service, you agree to these basic Terms of Service:
- Tunnel clients must be running the latest released version of AREDN (or a higher nighly build)
- No non-AREDN nodes should be directly connected to the tunnel server (RPi's, PI-HSMM, BBHN, etc., although they can be "behind" the client) (ie. no custom builds, no HSMM-Pi, no BBHN clients)
- While we will do our best to keep the tunnel service up and running, there is no service-level agreement (SLA).
- In the event of an actual emergency, AREDN Inc. reserves the right to limit connections to the tunnel server in order to prioritize EMCOMM traffic in affected areas.
This effort, and all of the AREDN Inc. project, is largely funded by a few people.
Bandwidth and resources are not free, so, please consider supporting AREDN Inc. with a recurring monthly donation of $5, $10, or $20.
If you would like to help test this service, please email me at k5dlq@arednmesh.org with the following information:
- Your AREDN Node name that you want to use to connect to the server
- The primary reason why you want to connect to the tunnel server
- Your device type (ie. Ubiquiti Rocket M5, Mikrotik hAP AC Lite, etc.)
- The version of AREDN that you have loaded on the above device
- How many nodes are currently showing in your mesh status page
While we cannot promise EVERYONE a connection at this time, we will do our best to accommodate each request. I will do my best to respond within 24 hours.
If accepted into this phase of testing, we will email you back with your network IP address, your password, and the server address where you will connect.
Thank you,
Darryl - K5DLQ
we have not yet discussed distributing it yet. Want to get more miles on it before we start discussing that.
K5DLQ - Darryl
here at my side all seems to work fine. I think this feature can help managing the growth oh arednmesh network.
Maybe this feature usable in future to manage local (e.g. italians) networks?
73 de Leo IZ5FSA
Thanks gentlemen for the effort.
So a tunnel server behind those existing networks to links multiple nodes that will be connected to the mesh at exit points to establish new routes and eliminate the risks associated with a single center site will be more than welcome. I can guess that many will also look to this kind of deployment as it greatly cut the cost for sites and hardware!
Good job guys!
I've got a problem agai on Mikrotik hAC ap lite IZ5FSA-HOME the OLSR system seems to be in troubles.
I can se as neighbor-node a USA node
and this is not true.
To avoid the problem a scheduled daily reboot in crontab seems not to be a solution. In fact, only checking aredn.olsr.restart in advanced configuration and then reboot node can solve the problem.
The latest nightly build can solve the issue? Or... Is there a command to reset OLSR from crontab?
The Advanced Configuration option to restart OLSR simply runs
You should be able to put that command into your crontab to restart OLSR on a scheduled basis.
Hi All
Are there any updates on the current cloud-based tunnel testing? How many clients are currently directly connected. What are the Bandwidth requirements, etc? Do you have room for more testers? What applications have been tested through the cloud-based tunnel server? Does iperf work through the cloud-based tunnel server?
clients can come and go as they wish, so, there's not a "stable" number. There are currently 29 clients defined on the server.
FYI for all AREDN Global Tunnel Server DIRECTLY connected clients... please update your client node to ASAP to remain on the tunnel server.
There was a change in to the OLSR config that is important for tunnels.
Your node may be disabled if it is not running (or higher nightly build).
Thanks for your cooperation.
Hello, can someone help me out?
I want to connect to an AREDN Tunnel server for testing.
Best regards,
PS: Please email me ar escalantea @ gmail dot com
Hi Darryl,
You have mentioned the capacity of the AREDN Tunnel Server above. What estimate do you have of what a user node must be able to support, in terms of OLSR entries which drives the routing table size?
Currently, I'm seeing ~ 2200 OSLR entries coming in from that tunnel server. If I'm not mistaken, this also corresponds to a routing table size of ~2200 entries.
Is there anything a user can do to decrease this number and still have connectivity?
73, Mark, N2MH
i want to host a tunnel on the cloud to connect everybody on my country together. I already have the server on the cloud, just need the app.
Manuel, that sounds like a bad idea to me. You will end up with an internet-based network, not a ham radio network. When disaster strikes, it will all come crumbling down. If you are building a network to help your country survive another disaster, then tunnels are fine if they are used temporarily until the RF links have been built.
Andre, K6AH