How does the communication between WAN / Internet connected nodes and the official AREDN map. Does it only update when you manually push the upload button in the UI, or does it phone home occasionally?
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"The Upload Data to AREDN Servers button will send your node information (no highly sensitive data such as passwords are sent) to an AREDN server on the internet.
By submitting this information you hereby allow AREDN to publish your node location on a public mapping service and utilize the information for other such reasons as AREDN determines to be useful, including but not limited to statistical analysis.
If you wish to remove your node location from the public mapping service, simply clear/erase your lat/lon values, "Apply Location Settings", and then "Upload Data to AREDN Servers"."
I hope this helps, Chuck
Casey KV3T, I'll add more explanation into the online docs too. The Optional Settings section doesn't have much detail now. Thanks for pointing this out.
Online AREDN docs have been updated with more information about the Optional Settings.