We had 68 attendees for my Zoom presentation of an AREDN overview, with lots of Q&A and discussion afterwards. Dale KB5NFT recorded the presentation and will upload it someplace soon.
We hope to do follow-on discussions on more focused topics. A few topics under consideration:
Loading software (which brands/models?)
A deep dive into the nooks and crannies of the AREDN software UI.
Tuning your node's configuration
Aiming high gain antennas (tips & tricks)
Some of these are short topics and could conceivably be combined into one session.
What other topics would be of interest?
I suspect we'll do these monthly. In general what day/time is best for most? (they'll be recorded so they can be viewed afterwards).
Orv W6BI
Orv W6BI
Thank you!
Bill NG1P