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AREDN has come to Maine!

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ng1p's picture
AREDN has come to Maine!
We have started a Mesh network in Maine. You will find a few nodes that have been listed on the map:

NG1P-4 a 5.8Ghz Rocket M5 and 13dB omni on Oak Hill in Brunswick Maine at the top of a 250 foot tower at K1MNW's QTH. (Thank you Bill!)
NG1P-1 is at my house at 65 feet using a Nanostation M5 (will be replacing with a Rocket and 19 dB 120 deg sector) 
NG1P-8 is at my house at 65 feet is a Rocket M2 on 2.4Ghz with a 9dB omni.

So far for services I have Meshchat running, BPQ32 packet node access, TeamTalk5 server running for voice and video.

This is just a good start but look forward to others joining and expanding the coverage and providing emergency communication. 
Here are a few coverage maps that I have shared:

360 deg. coverage map from Oak Hill:

Point to Point to and from Oak Hill to my house and some future nodes:

Future possible mesh sites. Is is a dream map and will require lots of approval. I will say that all the sites listed are repeater sites and most are DMR. Done right we could cover most of the whole state:

73 Bill NG1P

K5DLQ's picture
FYI, you can customize the
FYI, you can customize the map to YOUR AREA if you want.

follow this pattern:
ng1p's picture
Thank you
Good tip!
ng1p's picture
The better map link
Checking in here in Maine!
I've been working with NG1P and K1MNW and have the third site up in Maine!  I also have a couple of co-workers that are interested, and may get their ham radio licenses so they can play AREDN with us.

-Dj, N1JOV
ng1p's picture
DJ, Thanks for the note. Look forward to seeing others join in.

73 Bill NG1P
Greetings! Used to live in
Greetings! Used to live in Brunswick when i was at BIW, but as an OTR trucker I am all over the lower 48. I have my 5th wheel Camper in NH but to reach out to you guys we would have to do a tunnel.
73 - Dean
WA1KLI's picture
Latest status in Maine?
Checking in to see if there are any new nodes or updates for Maine?

ng1p's picture

With COVID-19 things has slowed down. We have an active 5.8Ghz node at OakHill, My home node on 5.8G and 2.4G plus N1JOV  DJ at his home in Topsham is connected and DJ has a node connected in over at the Brunswick airport. Still waiting for others to join in and exspand coverage. All are welcome.

I will say for services I have Teamtalk up and running for voip and file sharing comminications, My BPQ node on packet (145.01, 223.600 and 433.100) is on the ethernet side of the MESH so anyone can http://bpq-node.local.mesh:8008 and get into that node. Plus I have CACTI running just doing some simple ping tests making sure all node are reachable and measuring latency.

AA7AU's picture
Quick suggestion

It's always good operating procedure to name mesh-resident hosts to include a callsign so that the host is *unique* throughout any possible current/future mesh connections and therefore avoid naming/DNS conflicts. I have seen way too many hosts like rasperrypi.local.mesh etc show up and then get later added to a wider mesh with unfortunate consquences. "bqp-node" is certainly not unique; perhaps change to NG1P-bpq-node.local.mesh ???

- Don - AA7AU

ng1p's picture
Great Point
Thanks.. We just have not grown to the point of seeing this issue. I have updated the DNS to now be ng1p-bpq-node.local.mesh. That should fix any future growth issues.
Thank you!
Hey everyone! Located in
Hey everyone! Located in Auburn and looking to get my node up soon, Rocket M5 with Omni antenna, I also use an AR150 as a mobile mesh.
New call is N1BWO just havent changed it here
WA1KLI's picture
I see there is a planned
I see there is a planned expansion of the ARDEN system here in Maine that has recently been funded. Does anyone have a link to the new sites that are planned?
ng1p's picture
I will be at the Maine State
I will be at the Maine State Convention in Lewiston that is coming up at the end of March. I will be giving a talk on Saturday at 10am and will cover this topic.
So the backbone will include sites as follows and will be added over the next 2 years or so: We are also looking to at York Hill in New Sharon but have not the ok yet to use that site. The below sites make up locations that UFB NewEngland Fusion has access to.
Site Name
Blackstrap Hill
Streaked Mnt
Oak Hill Brunswick
Oak Hill Wales or Litchfield (pending)
Ragged Mnt
Blackcap Mnt
Lead Mnt (pending this or Schoodic Mnt)
Schoodic Mnt (Off-Grid site) (pending this or Lead Mnt)
Cooper Mnt
ng1p's picture
Blackstrap Hill in Falmouth Maine is on line
On June 1st we got the Blackstrap Hill online with a Rocket Dish point to Brunswick. Brunswick currently is using a 13dB omni that will be replaced with 3 120 deg panel (LAP120) and also will add a dish to dedicate back to Blackstrap. All backbone nodes will have dedicated point to point connections when completed. Still waiting for more equipment to arrive that has been back ordered. Hope to get more sites connected over the summer and into the fall. The goal is to finalize the backbone project by September 2024.
ng1p's picture
Currently we only have the point to point Rocket Dish. The plan is to add 3 (LAP120) panel devices at all backbone sites. We are working on permission to get the 3 LAP120's added to this site. Once they are added we should see about a 15 mile coverage radius (or more pending on gain and LOS)  This should cover the greater Portland area.

In general the plan is for all sites to have 3 LAP120's and point to point if greater than 30 miles will use a 30 db gain Rocket dish. If under 30 miles point to point will be 5AC500's. I will post channels when avalable. 

All sites in the backbone will be using 5.8Ghz and Ubiquiti gear. We are leaving the 2.4Ghz as an option for last mile opportunities for non backbone options. (Home, portable, last mile use cases) 
Any updates on the current status of the Maine network. I don't see any Maine nodes on the new World Map: although I do see them on the legacy map linked above.

Did the Blackstrap Hill site get omni antennas? Is it available to connect to? I'm in Brunswick. Due to some trees I was unable to connect to Oak Hill, but I have a clear shot across Maquoit Bay towards Blackstrap. 
I don't know any specifics
I don't know any specifics about Blackstrap hill, but I do know Bill got a bunch of equipment in and has been working to get it configured. 

I saw this update come across the NEMESH mailing list a couple of weeks ago:
"On Saturday a team from MVARA and NEDECN installed a 5GHz router on the K1OX tower in Chester, NH aimed at the K1DQ tower in Shapleigh, Me. This is a 48-mile path that modeling results indicate should connect our AREDN system to the Maine AREDN system over RF. In June we plan to complete the connection in Shapleigh."

If you are not on the NEMESH mailing list, might be worth checking it out:
ng1p's picture
We only have permission to
We only have permission to have one antenna as of right now at Blackstrap. We are hoping to get the ok for at least one more dish to provide a path to K1DQ's location that will provide a path to NH. I will be hosting a talk at 9am on the 15th of June at the August Civic center (Maine State Convention) at 9am. I'm looking for a project manager to keep this project moving. Lots to do and I have a full time job. 
Is this still active??
I live in Portland with LOS to Blackstrap. I am on 9th floor with north facing window. I was active in Mesh years ago in AZ but gear has been stored since then. I need an elmer to help me get up to speed. Although I worked in IT for years, I am now 85 and things are not as easy for me now. Any advice and guidance appreciated.
Ron Gregory N1AHH

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