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AREDN dtdlink over HaLow 13cm bridge

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AREDN dtdlink over HaLow 13cm bridge
surprisingly despite few discussions regarding NPR-70 I haven't found even a word about HaLow technology here.
Interest in the NPR-70 topic itself justifies the need of implementation of this type of technology. Withdraw of the 900Mhz for 802.11N and M9 devices (at least in the Europe) leaves the gap that makes it hard to build mesh in the areas where it is hardly possible to make the links on 5 or 2.4 Ghz.

Hare are few materials demonstrating the capabilities of the 802.11AH standard:

Here you can find surprisingly cheap device with SMA socket that allows connecting external directional antenna:
Form the practical point of view I can see one small disadvantage. The device allows building point to multipoint infrastructure but adding new device requires phthisical access to all devices at the moment of adding the device:
I can see that there is other way to perform the configuration but I'm not sure if it works:

If this is nice and easy way of extending the mesh it wold solve some challenges I am facing right now. What do you think? 

Paweł SQ7PWL

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