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AREDN Alert Message in New User Interface?

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nc8q's picture
AREDN Alert Message in New User Interface?
"Alert Message Local URL - location from which local AREDN Alerts can be downloaded

Where is the configuration for the local AREDN Alert Message in the new User Interface?

Thanks, Chuck
K6CCC's picture
Click on "Internal services" 
Click on "Internal services"  Near the bottom.
Keyword search in the docs
There is a lovely keyword search feature of the online documentation:
nc8q's picture
Found it :-)
Thanks Jim.
I have created a local file to indicate this for my future reference. ;-)

Thanks Steve.
does not return information on AREDN Alert Message or where to find it on a node.
It solely returns an 'Acronyms List'.
I have a cron job that creates a dynamic AAM with the temperature line from the NWS.
wget -O fkday.txt

73, Chuck

You can try different keywords
Just like with any other type of web search, you may need to try a couple of keyword combinations.  When I type "alert message" I see quite a few hits.

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