In case you didn't see it on the home page...
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In case you didn't see it on the home page...
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Once you apply the patch, upon performing a firmware update, the "MESH" led (usually RED), will go into a "upgrade mode" state with a rapid flashing LED.
This is the same behavior that you will see in and beyond.
Since we were not yet using IPv6, we removed it
Apologies for the issue. An assistant editor mistakenly changed the URL when modifying the article content. The corrected link is now shown in K5DLQ's post aboved.
Running it here now and my nodes performance is noticeably improved.
Suggestion: Add an option to enable/disable it. Because on a slow connection with a node only serving 1 or 2 tunnels, compression could make it faster.
However before you do I would suggest referring to the various tickets around this issue first (all reachable in Bloodhound)
I will additionally note that tunnels, like the rest of AREDN, are not really intended for slow connections additionally they are not intended to be run long term either as part of a strong Auxcom network.
Also much traffic (depending on various factors) is already compressed or is incompressible and attempts to compress can slow it down/make it bigger (depending on various factors.)
Does this update fix the two ports so we can use just one cable?
Thanks, David
Never mind... Wrong Image...
Around 8 nodes upgraded here. Some plain-jane nodes, some tunnel servers and some tunnel clients. A few nano-stations, a rocket and a few airrouters. All look good.
One nano-station was even upgraded on-the-fly on I-81 doing 65 mph (my wife Karen was driving :-). Upgraded started in Maryland and completed in Pennsylvania. No problems encountered.
Keep in mind Tom's advice above. If you have any nodes set to a static WAN address, change them over to a dhcp WAN address before upgrading. Otherwise, you node will go "stupid".
73, Mark
12 nodes updated. (11 OTA, 1 direct)
.....3 nodes from
.....9 nodes from
Two or three times it seemed like it would miss doing the update and be back at the old status screen. The 2nd attempt always worked.
It seemed (as I recall...) that going from to the Timezone would be reset to UTC.
All upgrades were successful!
As far as I can tell, everything is working fine.
The nodes referred to are all 2.4 GHz units and include Bullet, AirGrid and Rocket devices.
All services information was retained over the upgrades!
Good work guys!
73 - Mike ab4yy
No operational issues observed.
Updated 5/4/2017 10:25PM
I have a Rocket M5 XW .... Orginal OS XW v5.6.3,
I down graded to OS XW.v5.5.10-u2.28005.150723.1358.bin
AREDN UBoot Test is "Good & Good".
Uploaded Firmware AREDN-3.17.1.ORC1-ubnt-rocket-m-squashfs-factory.bin to node
Received an Orange Flag Notice " Firmware image check failed. Error code. -6 "
attempted a few more times success
any Ideas ???
Thanks to the help of KG6JEI , I found that I had not scrolled all the way down the list of downloads to find the M5 XW software.
I then Successfully loaded onto a Rocket XW.
Thank You, for all your help.
devices, you need to use the XW device firmware.
There appears to likely be an issue with the Charts operation with the that does not exist in
When selecting Charts, it defaults to Realtime and Strongest Signal device. The chart results however appear to be fictitious and do not match any of the nodes that can be selected. I can elaborate but the description is that simple and has been verified on various nodes on our network.
73 - Mike ab4yy
/* Calculate average rssi from conntected stations */
We need to change the terminology to be consistent (or change where we pull the data from to ensure it is the strongest neighbor's signal). Also, I'll submit a ticket later to track unless you beat me to submitting it.