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AR150 neighbor nodes won’t connect

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AR150 neighbor nodes won’t connect
Hi friends,
I am an AREDN newbie and stuck with following: 
I got 3 pcs. Gl.inet AR150, put aredn Vers. on those and did the recommended basic setup.
In the wifi scan I can well see al of it as foreign networks without name but on the status page I find only my own local node which is connected by cable to my laptop.
Both the other 2 nodes which should connect via RF are not visible / connected.
Sorry, I searched almost the complete web but didn't find a source explaining to me what I am doing wrong and how I can make the 2 other nodes connect via RF?
Can someone give me a hand where to find some howto information and / or how to proceede forward?
Many tahnks &73
Manuel DO5MSH Hamburg, Germany
AC2OG's picture
Hi Manuel,
just to be sure! Are all the nodes set on the same frequency and bandwidth?
When did you say status page do you meant Mesh Status?
Hi Leo,
Thanks, Yes all three are on the same frequency and bandwidth and yes I meant mesh status.
When I connect the nodes via cable they see each other but not via RF :-(
nc8q's picture
Another guess: SSIDs are the same?
A Wi-Fi scan will find other devices within scan channels with the same matter the SSID.
(Well, use 10 and 20 MHz bandwidths. Avoid 5 MHz bandwidths as they have some issues.)
Are all devices scanning the same channels?
RF will not link unless the channel, bandwidth, and SSID matches.

all same frequency AND bandwidth
Yes I have all set to same parameters and tested various variants and all nodes are actually found by the scan but even though no one connects i. e. no OLSR entries.
must SSID match?
yo7 mean the SSID's must match?!
kc8ufv's picture
Yes. The mesh works by
Yes. The mesh works by putting the radios in Ad-Hoc mode. The combination of the frequency, bandwith, and SSID is kinda like selecting the right wire in a physical network. All of them have to be the same.
tears of happines in my eyes!
tears of happines in my eyes! When I put the SSID identical it works!!
kc8ufv's picture
One further thought... Is
One further thought... Is this problem present with other nodes as well (such as trying connecting to and old WRT54G on 20MHz with the old BBHN, or a Microtik or Ubiquiti node with the same settings)? It's worth double checking the nodes have different MAC addresses. Also, double check that different IP addresses are being assigned. While I don't know the exact algorithm AREDN uses, it's impossible to universally make unique 24 bit addresses from a unique 96 bit number, so IP address collissions are theoretically possible as well.

While I don't think I've heard of this issue with GL.inet, I have heard of (and actually seen with bluetooth modules) some brands recycling MAC addresses between multiple pieces of hardware. If they find themselves in the same broadcast domain, they can cause some pretty strange problems... 
AC2OG's picture
Try an OSLR restart.  Go to: Setup/Advanced Configuration/on the line: "aredn.olsr.restart"  just click on Save setting.  

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