I picked up two of these cheap off Amazon ~$25 USD each. They come up on the network and acquire IP addresses but complain that there is no digital phone service. There is a WAN port, a LAN port, and what appears to be an RJ-11 phone jack.
Has anyone used these or have any pointers on how to configure them? I have a RasPBX (Pi 3B with RasPBX OS image which bundles Raspian Jesse, Asterisk, and FreePBX) but haven't configured it yet. I thought I'd try a simple test with IP to IP dialing but can't get to first base with these.
I do have two analog phones mated with 2 Grandstream HT701's. IP to IP dialing works fine with those.
BTW, these take 6VDC power and the wall wart is rated at 3 amp.
This should help. Good luck. Let us know if you get it working.