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Any support for Mikrotik RB4011iGS+

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Any support for Mikrotik RB4011iGS+
Hello everyone I have some questions and hopefully someone can answer them. I got my hands on some free equipment, a couple of MANTBOX 15s and a RB4011iGS+ I don't find software for the last one and I'd like to use it as a router since the ManTBOX only has one port. which leads to my second question... How do I set up the MANTBOX to connect to the internet or tunnels, It doesn't seem to conntect because it sees the only eth port as LAN port. I gave it an address in my local subnet but still wont connect to internet. Thank you all for the knowledge, I'm very new to AREDN and feel a little stuck
nc8q's picture
Any support for Mikrotik RB4011iGS+ and more questions
Title:  Any support for Mikrotik RB4011iGS+

Dear K4DOJ:

Hello everyone I have some questions and hopefully someone can answer them.
I got my hands on some free equipment,
 a couple of MANTBOX 15s and a RB4011iGS+
 I don't find software for the last one and I'd like to use it as a router since the ManTBOX only has one port.

There is 0.0000% chance of firmware being available for a device until
it appears in
"The AREDN® firmware is based on OpenWrt with additional packages and patches."
and see:
which leads to my second question...
How do I set up the MANTBOX to connect to the internet or tunnels,
 It doesn't seem to conntect because it sees the only eth port as LAN port.
I gave it an address in my local subnet but still wont connect to internet.

See: See:
"Usage Information
Ethernet Port usage
The standard Ethernet port of an AREDN® device uses the following vlan tags. An 802.1Q switch is necessary to utilize the vlan tagged networks"

73, Chuck

K6CCC's picture
The RB4011iGS+ is a seriously
The RB4011iGS+ is a seriously good router - that is what I'm using as my primary home router (doing a lot more than a typical home router).  It does not have WiFi so obviously not much use for AREDN - Except as smart switch / router.  It can perform that function very well as long as you want to learn RouterOS.

Chuck pointed you to an explanation about how you get three separate LANs from the single port of the Mantbox.

BTW, if you decide that the RB4011iGS+ is of no value to you, I would happily make it worth your while to take it off your hands as it does have value to me as a spare.

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