I picked up a pair of used AirRouter HP's which do not work with 24V POE injectors. They came without injectors and when I attempted to use the 24V injectors that I have, the units began to blink which would indicate over voltage. Anyone have any thoughts on these? The underside of the units indicate 5V 2.0A.
Are these older units? Perhaps old enough to not be suitable for flashing?
Any help would be appreciated.
1) The device must be running the AirOS
2) Telnet or Putty into the node (default user is ubnt; password ubnt; default ip
3) Run "cat /etc/board.info"
4) Save the resultant file and post it in response to this post.
Are you certain that thy are HP versions? HP was the only version that had PoE. The low power version used a 5V wall wart. (non-PoE)
Do they have an external antenna?
Thanks everyone. I think we are good to go.
And look at the users guides and quick start guide at the bottom of the page.
The unit you describe is supposed to be powered with a wall wart poe ejector.
If you can't find the original Ubiquiti 5V/2A POE then you can use a poe like this one and feed it with 5 volts.
Unfortunately MeshChat is still very early in its development and I"m not aware of any recent development on it. Flaws have been noted across various forums.
That said the software developer would be the best individual to contact with these concerns so they can create new versions that resolve any flaws. If it ever becomes open source licensed someone could also take it up and work on it as well for the community, but until that time only the author who holds copyright to it can really resolve these sort of concerns.
Everything else works the same - put UBNT 5.5.11 XM on them and you are good to go to load AREDN Firmware. I have seen a few units with UBNT 5.5.8 that won't accept UBNT 5.5.11, but they will work fine with AREDN as well. Recommend staying with Firmware until the production release if you plan to use them as Tunnel Clients or Servers.
these seem to be unique HP models.

For the non-weird Air-Router HP models, I have instructions to use a 12vdc wall-wart to power them in case you don't have a POE... or 120vac for the POE:
while on this subject, the popular Grandstream 1600 series VoIP phones run off 5vdc. Here's a cable that takes 5v from USB:
You will see all types of these being sold, I seriously recommend using the one made by Tripp-Lite:
Indeed, the Tripp adapter works very well and I found these two strange HP units to work well on a 5V USB source as well as trough the POE connection using a passive injector with a 5V wall wart. Your 12V method would be a handy solution when there is no available AC and especially in portable situations. I have yet to try that, but likely will before Field Day this year.
Thanks for the input,