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Airrouter crash/reboot

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n5hzr's picture
Airrouter crash/reboot
We're running a handful of Ubiquiti Airrouters meshed by tunnels and wireless.

One acts as a 'core', and has three other airrouters tunneling into this tunnel server.

On version 3.19.3 after 24 hours, the 'core' airrouter would get busy. It was slow to pull up a status page, and selecting the Mesh Status button would never complete. Traffic appears to still flow through the device. Rebooting the router brings it back to life. (for  another 24 hours).

I updated to version 3.21.0 and now the airrouter reboots about every 24 hours (not like clockwork).

Any thoughts on what may be happening, or how I can help to report a bug?
K6AH's picture
The AirRouter is really underpowered by today's standards.  With only 32/8 MB memory, I'd recommend replacing them with the hAP AC Lite at 64/16 MB.  I still run an AirRouter myself to support a tunnel and have similar problems, although not as often. 
n5hzr's picture
Thanks for the info.
n5hzr's picture
As a follow-up to this topic, I replaced the Airrouter with a GL AR-150 and I have not had any problems.

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