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active/idle - exposed...meaning?

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active/idle - exposed...meaning?

Using firmware version 2224-4894f42, under  "neighbor status" we see some links the show "active - exposed" or "idle - exposed".  The help file explains active and idle but does not reference "exposed".  What does exposed mean?
Thanks, Mike ab4yy

nc8q's picture
What does exposed mean? Short answer: An exposed node hears too much. CSMA prevents it from sending DATA or ACKS due to co-channel occupancy. I hope this helps, Chuck
Thanks Chuck.

Thanks Chuck.
The problem points to a mountain node that several other nodes (a few miles away) are connected, and only on the 2.4 GHz (-2/10) node.  We are trying to move more folks to 5 GHz to help.  But possibly other non-ham Wi-Fi is also being heard there.  We are also  turning off other 2.4 GHz nodes that are not being used or are too weak into the system.
- Mike

Explained in the online documentation
Thanks Steve.  I must have

Thanks Steve.  I must have missed that when I did a search in the docs for "exposed".  I see it now.  It is a helpful explanation.
- Mike

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