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5g nano to ARHP

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5g nano to ARHP

Not sure what is up here. I have a rocket connected thru a poe to port 4 (dtd) on an ARHP located at the base of my tower. I connect it to the house with a 2.4g loco and everything is good. The rocket is XM. I replaced the rocket with a 5g nano (XW variety) by unplugging the rocket from the poe and plugging in the nano. I can see nothing but the ARHP and the loco. I tried a second xw nano with same results. Any thoughts? Thanks ahead.


DtDLink is on the Secondary
DtDLink is on the Secondary port on XW devices.
So a second cable comes down
So a second cable comes down from the secondary port to the ARHP?
Much thanks. Will try that
Much thanks. Will try that tomorrow.
AE6XE's picture
You don't necessarily need 2
You don't necessarily need 2 cables.  Just 1 cable in secondary port still feeds the device power.  This occurs frequently--I do this all the time. Limitation is there are no LAN devices that receive an IP address directly from the NSM5 XW at the tower--would require a cable on the main port.   You probably have all your LAN devices already connected into the 3 LAN ports on the ARHP?
Noting that the above
Noting that the above deployment method is 100% unsupported and is not recommend for any official deployment.

​Any errors you encounter requiring support will very likely be summarily dismissed without action when a node is deployed in such a manner.
Meaning the two cable system
Meaning the two cable system is supported but the 1 cable is not?
AE6XE's picture
N8CAV,   The secondary port
N8CAV,   The secondary port on NanoStations was not designed by the manufacture to feed the device power in to that port, rather there is an option in the AirOS firmware option to turn on/off passing the power through the main port to power devices on the secondary port (not an option available in AREDN).    

Users in the Ubiquiti forum figured out that when the main port failed and the device was seemingly dead, they could then power the device though the secondary port and it worked.     The word on the street is that there isn't any noise filtering on the power going into the secondary port and may be a longevity issue.  

I have powered Nanostations this way for over 3 years and I know of several other people doing this on a regular basis.   There has never been a reported device failure I'm aware of.  The AREDN firmware is agnostic to how the device is powered.   

Ok. Copy that, Joe. Thank you
Ok. Copy that, Joe. Thank you.

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