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wb4epg oddity on Rocket XM
Uploaded to several Rocket M5 XM and XW and M900 XM units today.  On the XM units the far right LED does not come on.  Found this on 6 different units.  On the XW units the far right LED comes on as usual.  Other that that, the XM units perform as normal.  I did not have any M2 XM units to try.
Same thing on NanoStation
Just encountered the same thing upgrading some NanoStations to  On a new XW version the far right LED stays on after booting, but on two older XM versions the far right LED stays off after booting.  The XM's function normally except for that.  Anyone else encounter this?
AE6XE's picture
WB4EPG,   I suspect the new
WB4EPG,   I suspect the new ath79 target images have this new behavior (far right LED light is dark)  and the older ar71xx target images have the old behavior (far right LED blinks at boot).   We inherit this behavior from OpenWrt, although if we dug though the kernel code should be able to find and modify.   

Check to confirm, did the images you load correspond to this behavior?  Note, due to many devices being covered by a given image, there may be a usable image in both targets for some rockets and nanostations.

Joe, yes this is with the new
Joe, yes this is with the new ath79 image.  Other than the far right LED being dark after boot up, everything else works correctly.  It just makes the XM's stand out from the XW's.

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