I noticed some change activity yesterday - when I looked this morning, I'm seeing a field of green.
Since there hasn't been an announcement by the staff, I thought I'd highlight it for everyone. (Maybe they did a stealth release and were waiting to see if anyone commented!). There have even been devices added to the supported platform matrix at: https://www.arednmesh.org/content/supported-platform-matrix
I had noted about a month ago that I was looking to deploy for a local event - the event still happened, but I wasn't able to deploy and test as I was assigned a different spot to cover that made it not practical to take gear with me. We're going to run some tests later this year and increase the distance to compensate for not having vendor tents in the area.
I'm mentioning the event as some of the devices I was considering would have had to go to RC builds at the time - now they are all production!!
I'd like to see user testing comments on the new build.
-- added this a few minutes later --
Actually, just found the announcement for the new version at: https://www.arednmesh.org/news-archive-page
and https://www.facebook.com/groups/aredn
and https://twitter.com/arednmesh
Glad you found the homepage article!