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I'm looking for some help DtDLinking a 2.4g to 5.8g nanostation using a Ubiquiti TS-5 POE. I have set up the switch to run 1 DtDLink port, 2 node's and 2 vlan ports, but was not able to get the nanostation's to pass traffic. Not sure I have the nanostation setup correctly. Thanks.


w6bi's picture
NSM5 XW & DtD linking
The XW hardware with current AREDN firmware brings the DtD traffic out on the secondary link.  Technically that means you'd have to run two cables to it.  Fortunately the Secondary port will backfeed POE power to the Main port.  Swing the cable over to the secondary port on the NSM5 and your nodes should be able to talk to each other via DtD.   (this assumes your NSM5 is newer XW hardware).  If it's older XM hardware it's a different issue.

Orv W6BI
Ok I saw that possibility but running XM Nanostations. So the reason behind running a tough switch.

AE6XE's picture
Eric,  a screen shot or
Eric,  a screen shot or specifics of the TS vlan settings would be ideal.    If you have 2 nodes, there would be 2 ports, 1 dedicated to each node.   These 2 ports would be configured to know about vlan 2, so the nodes could talk to one another.    Are you setting up option #1?:

Screen shot of TS5
Joe Let me know if you can see this screen shot of the TS5. This Is the configuration I got form the AREDN web site. 

Image Attachments: 
Joe I notice in the the knowledge data base  there are to diagrams showing one switch with 802.1q and the other without. I'm not seeing anything in the instruction manual about the TS-5-POE being 802.1q. And Im assuming if I'm running a tough switch that DHCP needs to be running on both Nanostations
or DtD devices?


AE6XE's picture
Yes, the TS supports 802.1Q. 
Yes, the TS supports 802.1Q.   I noticed that the configuration expects the mesh nodes to be plugged into ports 1 and 3.   However, there doesn't appear to be anything plugged into port 3?      Could this be the issue?    With this configuration, the LAN networks are separated on the switch.  Therefore, both should be running dhcp.  when a laptop is plugged into port 2, it will receive an IP address from the mesh node on port 1.   When a laptop is plugged into port 4, it will receive an IP address from the mesh node on port 3.

I'd recommend checking the "Management" checkbox next to the row for vlan 11 (blurry, I think it says 11).   This means you will have another active port, the management port, and a device would receive an IP address from mesh node on port 1.   It also means the TS itself will get an IP address from the mesh node on port 1.  You can go into the IP reservation page in setup and give it a hostname.  Then you're able to remote access the switch across the mesh network to check status, power cycle a mesh node, etc.

Also, check the settings for which ports are receiving 24v or not.   Might need to adjust that depending on what device is plugged in.


TS Switch issues
Joe I had it pluged in the way you described,  however I seem to be have problems with dhcp interaction that I have lost the TS functionality and rebooting my NS2M and whipping out all settings in the NS as it looks like from a fresh ARDEN Firmware install or maybe a factory reset. I lost the internet connectivity on the TS and had to do a factory reset and start over with my configuration settings. At this point the NS2M has be reconfigured and works fine directly connect to the lan port on my laptop but will not work thru the TS. Internet works fine thru the TS but with the NS plugged into port one there is no path to the NS via local node or the ip address of the NS form the laptop plugged into port two. Not sure what happened but may have to start over from the beginning with the NS.


AE6XE's picture
The settings for the LAN
The settings for the LAN networks, is correct -- vlan 11 & 22.     This should not cause a problem, but just in case,  in the vlan 1 row, change the "T" to an "E" for ports 2 and 4.    What this is doing is mixing all the traffic from your home network, plugged into port 5, and passing this traffic to all you lan devices.   But since this is still 'tagged' with a vlan '1', your lan devices are supposed to ignore the traffic.   It would be more efficient  to not send this traffic to the LAN devices, so they don't see it at all.  changing to the "E" on these ports for vlan 1, will clean up what traffic these LAN devices see.

What model mesh nodes are being plugged into port 1 and 3? 

Joe, For what ever reason my NS2M XM has become corrupt to the point of re-flashing  AREDN firmware dose not fix any issues. After re-flashing and entering the setup menu, if I click on any of the menu buttons (Save Changes), (Reset Vaules),(Default Values), (Reboot), it comes back with an error this site can't be reached. Not sure what has happened to the unit but I'm going to get another NSM2 to try. UGGGG!!

Corrupt NS
Joe, update to the the latest, I have tracked down the corruption  to a infected laptop. So needless to say its been a hair pulling day but  at least  got my link backup and running to my site 20 miles away. Time for a drink or maybe two or three! :) Will work on the rest on another day.



DtD Linking
Joe, Thanks for all your help. I have finally managed to get everything up and runnning. DtD linking is working perfectly as well as the internet connection across  my entire AREDN network. Let just say, I've learned a few thing since I got involved with AREDN. I believe Im the only one in Kansas doing this. Hope to see this grow here in the midwest.

AE6XE's picture
Glad to hear all is working
Glad to hear all is working well.  Maybe I'll stop by some day to say Hi.  I have a home on the east side of Kansas City.  I've driven 70 though KS many times over the years.  I have several more years of working in SoCal,  but some day I'll be contributing to building out AREDN in the midwest as I spend more time there.

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