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New topics don't appear any more?

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New topics don't appear any more?
I've posted two new threads now - and neither appear. Something seems to be wrong with the forums.

Is the same level of consistency being applied to new firmware releases? No, really. just rendered my Rocket M2 totally inert.
w6bi's picture
Your posts
For me, they appeared as new posts, as expected.
I have noticed that I never see MY posts as new posts though; I suspect you're suffering from the same issue.   Search for your callsign - you'll probaby find them.
AE6XE's picture
WX4LTG,  let's get you on 3
WX4LTG,  let's get you on so we can see the consistency and improvements.   An upgrade failure, would be due to the version of the firmware you are starting with that is doing the upgrade.    

Some general guidelines for anyone upgrading, just in case:
1) don't try to 'downgrade' versions of AREDN.  This will not work in some cases.  This capability is not implemented by OpenWrt or AREDN.
2) 32M RAM devices are pushing use of memory in all versions of the firmware.  Best practice is to reboot the device immediately prior to doing the upgrade to ensure available RAM is maximized.
3) 3.16.x.x firmware is still not compatible with devices that have been received with AirOS 5.6.x and later.   If you have AREDN nightly builds or loaded on this device, it still requires the AirOS download procedure (see #1).
4) If you have an older version of AREDN firmware prior to,  e.g. 3.15.x.x of earlier, then an upgrade jump to has limited testing -- not many people are doing this.   2 options to be safe:  A) do not keep settings to upload the new firmware and setup as if the first time;  B) do a sysupgrade with successive versions of AREDN (this has been the primary tested paths in the past).  

Had to crack the Rocket M2
Had to crack the Rocket M2 and do a full JTAG/TFTP recovery on it. It's on now.

But having to pull it from the mast to crack it was *painful*. After over a year up there, the plastic Rocket case flanges kind of welded themselves into the grooves on the back of the dish.

On the plus side, I know my safety harness works...

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