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Links in Forum postings need fixing

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Links in Forum postings need fixing
As I read messages and try to follow the posted links, the links take you to the old website - Can someone fix those links in the forum messages?
WU2S's picture
Link updates
Yes, I am working to update the links to use as needed.
Deep Diving

FYI, probably need to check all other parts of the website. I went into the Docs / Knowledge Base area and picked a topic at random. Of course it is the same problem as the forum messages ( I'm sure that your efforts will eventually rid us of the old links. Thank you Sir.

K6AH's picture
It's being addressed
All of these links have been identified (250+).  They are being addressed one at a time.
WU2S's picture
Link updates
I am half way through the docs in the knowledgebase and reviewing as many as I can daily.
If anyone sees a particularly important document or article which needs updating, please message me directly by clicking on the WU2S at the left, and selecting the Contact tab to send me a private message.

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