It appears ever since the recent AREDN domain change, the oms.exe offline map update utility no longer sends the data to AREDN. The error returned for each valid node is:
sysinfo NOT submitted503
- Mike ab4yy
It appears ever since the recent AREDN domain change, the oms.exe offline map update utility no longer sends the data to AREDN. The error returned for each valid node is:
sysinfo NOT submitted503
- Mike ab4yy
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OMS v0.9 updated....
Works like a charm! Thanks Darryl.
I just had to tell Norton the file was okay (Windows version).
"Found 27 total nodes..."
It took 6 minutes and 33 seconds to run.
73 - Mike ab4yy
It appears the 'no longer sending' problem is back again but differently. I just ran it a few minutes ago and got:
It looks to have started this problem around mid-February (or around Nightly aredn-713-f833b38).
I retain history of the OMS runs I do.
Of course it would be useful to know and anyone else is also having a similar issue.
Let me know if you need more information.
- Mike ab4yy
I am very pleased to see the growing number of nodes in Europe, South America, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. It appears that some of the East Asian nodes are really in North America but the node owner forgot to put the minus sign in from of the longitude to indicate West longitude.
However there are two nodes reported in Thailand and the Philippines that are operated by local hams.
Thanks to all who have reported their locations! We appreciate your help in giving evidence that AREDN deployments are increasing worldwide.
Hey! Nice to see ALL the bands and not just some of them.