We are trying to setup MeshChat on Raspberry Pi's and have 2 issues.
1: is the Error Sending Message: Could not get Lock.
2: We don't see chats from the same Zone as on the regular MeshChats
Any help would appreciated
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Here's some more info I've found on the problem w7acw and I are having.
The Pi Meshchat seems to be syncronizing with the other meshchats just fine. Every 10-15 seconds there is the expected file activity in the /tmp/meshchat directory and the database in the www/... directory is updated with the texts posted in other nodes. However, none of this makes it to the web interface and we get the "Error sending message: Could not get lock." if we try to send a message. If I delete the lock file in the /tmp/meshchat directory, it's re-created almost immediately. Doesn't seem to be having troubles writing in that directory or any other. Also, the web interface never updates unless I do it manualy by refreshing it with the browser. The last refreshed counter just keeps counting up.
We're having the exact same problem on two different Pi's mine is a 3, don't know what Roger's w7acw is. I'm running the latest version of Rapbian Strech with Desktop.
...until now. I'm trying to install Meshchat for a friend - exact same configuration and symptoms.
I've compared my own files/permissions/config and haven't found any differences.
Anyone find a fix?