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need help with using node for DNS

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need help with using node for DNS
I know this has been asked before, but the issue I am having is specifically on a mikrotic router, I am setting up the new router right now and im trying to figure out how to set it up so that the AREDN node acts as a DNS server.  my last router worked great, but I cant quite figure this out on the Mikrotik. my home network is, I have NATed my node with  I have set the Destination address as on ethernet  port 2 (which is my LAN side) and the preferred source as, I have done the same for the network pointing it to the same AREDN node.  in my DNS settings I have listed as my first DNS, and as my second.  is there something else i need to do on my node to make this work? any help is greatly appreciated. 
AE6XE's picture
Assuming this is a NAT on the
Assuming this is a NAT on the LAN of the mesh node,  the IP allocation for the subnet is the same on both sides, agreement of the nodes IP address, and DHCP is off on the node, I can't think of any other settings on the mesh node.   I'm not as familiar with the Microtik OS side, sorry, can't offer any pointers there.

So ive done a bit more
So ive done a bit more research and found that the Mikrotik does not allow you to do DNS domain Search, so I cant point everything with local.mesh to my node.  Untangle router does it, and im a little surprised that MiKrotiK does not have that ability, a lot of others have been asking for that feature for years.  I do have a Spare Juniper SSG5 that looks like it will work, so I will see if I can point the Mesh domain names through the Mikrotik to the Juniper router then send those off to the Mesh node from there.  and before you ask why i don't just run the Juniper instead of the mikrotik, the Juniper is on 10/100 which is fine for mesh, and I set up and support Mikrotik at work, so it keeps me learning.
after many months of
after many months of tinkering, and a some help from the MikroTik forums, I finally got everything working so that I can navigate the mesh network from my home network.  If anyone else is interested, I posted the procedure on my website
Thank you for taking the time
Thank you for taking the time to come back and share so others can gain from this in the future.
I have my MikroTik router
I have my MikroTik router pointed to a dnsmasq server. I point the local.mesh to the mesh node.


All request for local.mesh is passed to the node.


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