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Connect from PC to Air Router Tunnel Server

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KA7HAK's picture
Connect from PC to Air Router Tunnel Server
Connect from PC to Air Router Tunnel Server

is this possible and/or easy to do or practical? Connect as a tunnel client to the aredn tunnel server from windows and get onto the mesh network?

k1ky's picture
Connect from PC to Air Router Tunnel Server
The easiest "Best" method that we implement is to use another AirRouter configured as a AREDN MESH Tunnel Client attached to your PC.  Easy setup and you can take it anywhere you have an internet connection available via Ethernet.  Add a regular Wi-Fi Access Point to the AirRouter and you can connect to public Wi-Fi systems and tunnel back into your system.  There may also be a way to do this with a RPi device, but the setup is a bit more advanced, having to add OLSR, VTUN modules and the like.
KA7HAK's picture
Maybe as an Alternative

I know it's possible and would require duplicating a node, but on a PC. Linux based would prob be easier to setup. Thanks.

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