I'm trying to advertise an IP camera on my AREDN node. In VLC if I open a stream at
I can view it. When I try to advertise it I'm breaking this up (improperly I would say) as
IPCam | rtsp:// | 554 | /user=admin&password=&channel=1&stream=0.sdp?
where the pipe symbols denote the separate input boxes.
Is there a resource to tell me what I'm doing wrong? I haven't done much with advertising services. MeshChat did this for me on install but I have to do this one and several others such as Raspberry Pi's manually.
I'm sorry but that is just completely opposite of what the case truely is.
Those symbols along with alphanumeric are absolutely permitted in the UI.
OLSR currently doesn't accept an ampersand so would take changing OLSR code for that to be supported (doable but needs a feature ticket)
sub validate_service_suffix
my($suffix) = @_;
# protects against parsing errors in the config files and html
return 0 if $suffix =~ /[:'"|]/;
# checks if string meets critera specified by nameservice module
return 0 unless $suffix =~ /^[[:alnum:]\/?._=#-]*$/;
return 1;
Dave KM6FQ