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Why differnet IP address range when changing host quatity?

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wa2ise's picture
Why differnet IP address range when changing host quatity?
Was wondering why I'd get a very different IP address range if I change the number of hosts on my node's LAN from say 5 to 13.
When it was set to 5 it gave me a range of IP addresses, and I needed more hosts so I changed it to 13 hosts, and it
gave me a very different IP range,  I would have thought I'd just get a few more IP addresses added to the ones I had before, when I had selected 5 hosts.  Not a big deal, but was wondering why. 
AE6XE's picture
It's the algorithm in use
More specifically to the "why
More specifically to the "why" is that we need to jump to different ranges.

If you have two devices with sequential MAC addresses (very possible if thy come in the same order) if you reserve X addresses then the next mesh node expects to be able to use the next range up (e.g. It starts giving out addresses st X+1) if we arbitrarily allowed a node to allocate addresses there would be a higher collision probability while if we use a separate  modification for nodes in the 1/5/15 ranges each node can calculate where it should be without two sequentially manufactured devices colliding with each other.

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