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dtd to airos

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dtd to airos
I read somewhere that it was possible to connect an airos device via dtd to an AREDN node.

What are the airos settings?  I turned on VLAN ID 2 on the airos device LAN0 but it doesn't show up as a neighbor dtd.

The LAN0.2 of airos shows received traffic but no send traffic.

AE6XE's picture
AirOS would have to be
AirOS would have to be running OLSR and configured to mimic the AREDN "v3" protocol.  There isn't an out-of-box way to configure AirOS this way.      Probably what was being talked about is to create a link with AirOS (on both ends) using TDMA and ideally with part 97 channels if international version.   Put AirOS on both ends in bridge mode.    This makes the end to end look to AREDN as if a cat5 cable.    You'd configure a vlan switch to have a vlan2 port from the mesh node to the airOS device at each end.     This is all advanced networking, so if this is another language to anyone reading, better find a local skilled IT network person to collaborate with.

Airos to AREDN

That's what I was intending (Making an airos to airos link).  I just only had one end of it.
I'm just experimenting to see how 900 Mhz will work through the trees.  I was told it was noisy but the airview scan was pretty clean.
I also have a -100 dbm noise floor according to airos.
We want something that will be the "last mile" link i.e. a short distance (1-2 mi) through trees to connect to a higher node.
When I get the other device, I'll post results in a different topic.

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