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Getting and Loading Hamchat

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Getting and Loading Hamchat

My bullets are now AREDN flashed with the beta version. I still need a couple questions answered, though. How do I get Hamchat, and the anit-crypto software? Also, what is the max bandwidth that can be run on Channel -2? Thanks for helping a newbie.


K5DLQ's picture
To install hamchat:

To install hamchat:

  1. Provide internet access to your node.
  2. Go to the admin page, under package management, hit the REFRESH button
  3. select the hamchat package
  4. hit download

That's it.  It automatically adds an advertised service for you.

Regarding ch-2, if you want to stay clear of any ISM band channels, you need 5Mhz wide channels.  This is due to channel 1 (on ISM) normally being 20Mhz wide.  That spills over ch0 and ch-1.

Happy meshing!


Putting node on internet

OK sounds easy, but how do I get the. Node on the Internet?

AE6XE's picture
If your node is connected to

If your node is connected to other nodes on a mesh network, and any other node on the mesh has an advertised gateway, then you may already have internet access.  Do a "mesh status" in the current beta image and look for "(wan)" next to any neighbor or remote node.  If you see one, then your node has access to whatever other network the gateway is connected to--which is typically the internet.  The notation "(wan)" indicates the nodes is advertising that it is a gateway.

If your mesh network does not already have an internet gateway, and many will choose not to have one, then the Ubiquiti devices have given us the luxury of purchasing additional network ports separately :) .  We aren't forced to buy additional physical ports if we don't need them with the transmitter.  To connect a 1-port Ubiquiti device to the internet, you'll need something like a netgear GS105E or GS108E, or a Ubiquiti 'ToughSwitch'.   There are "how to" documents on this web site and Darryl posted a video to configure one of these 'vlan' switches.


K5DLQ's picture
the other option (if you dont

the other option (if you dont have internet access on your node) is to download the file from here:

And upload it into the node using the same admin page.


Hamchat rehost

So I rehosted hamchat onto a Windows 10 PC using the Microsoft IIS server using activePerl 64 bit.

Some features were OS specific and had to be changed.

It seems to work OK and I intend to include more features.

I don't want to step on anybody's toes.  Is this OK?

I used the original VE3NKL code but included some features from the more recent version from KG6JEI and included both their copyrights.


No objection from me. HamChat
No objection from me. HamChat is Apache License so long as you comply with that you are good. Most of my code was for dealing with protecting embedded devices from attack (denial of service) but could still be very useful on a full blown server too.
Hamchat rehost

Since file size is not an issue on the server, I eliminated the file naming logic.

I added a "doorbell" feature.  If you put a "#B" in the last line of the message, it will ring a doorbell in your browser and anyone else who has auto refresh on.

(for a couple of minutes)

I will put the code in my FTP if you are interested, send me an email to my address.



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