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HELP: Newby is Stuck Uploading AREDN Firmware to NanoStation M5

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KK6DA's picture
HELP: Newby is Stuck Uploading AREDN Firmware to NanoStation M5
Followed instructions on the AREDN web site and an excellent video -- -- to downgrade Ubiuiti NS M5 airOS to 5.6.x. Got two green GOOD GOOD. All worked fine. Uploaded the AREDN firmware. That too, A-OK. The IP changed as explained from to DHCP from the mesh node. Sought  http://localnode:8080 and, thump, it cannot be found. The M5 shows power green light. LAN1 flashing green light and a solid green light at the 7th signal strength window -- so it's on my home network. Command prompt ipconfig does not show a mesh node. Stuck. Help.
Windows 10.

David A., KK6DA
K5DLQ's picture
disable wifi
disable wifi
disconnect cat5
reconnect cat5
try again
If that doesn't work: go to
KK6DA's picture
Thanks. Did not work. Wifi is
Thanks. Did not work. Wifi is disabled. Wired only. Disconnected CAT, as advised, then reconnected. Both 8080’s failed.
I’ve now done a NS M2 with the same result. Odd.
Green-Green both on  the M5 and the M2 after FW downgrade. Correct AREDN files uploaded OK. Cannot access the AREDN page. IPCONFIG shows no mesh.
KK6DA's picture
Adding: for configuration the
Adding: for configuration the M2 and M5 were physically connected to a D-Link router which hubs many functions including my home Apple gigabit network. The Lonovo Windows 10 computer which I used for configuration is also connected to router. And there was no issue in finding -- lit up immediately. As a failsafe, I did connect the Lenovo computer directly to the M5 and M2, and even with that http://localnode:8080 did not find the AREDN page, or any other variation mentioned here. Stumped.
KK6DA's picture
Might this be a  Windows 10
Might this be a  Windows 10 issue? The AREDN instructions are all previous Windows versions -- maybe XP or 7 or something. Any Windows 10 AREDN wizards to the rescue?
KK6DA's picture
SOLVED! Removed the M2 from
SOLVED! Removed the M2 from the network router and connected it directly to the Windows 10 computer, carefully unpowering the M2 for a moment and then powering it back on to allow the M2 DHCP to generate an IP connection. HTTP://localnode:8080 worked. YAY! I will take it that somewhere on the router there were conflicting DHCP IP addresses. AREDN Gurus, did I get it right? 

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