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RESOLVED: locked out of nodes

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K8KO's picture
RESOLVED: locked out of nodes

I new to this and have two AirRouterAR's with a fresh install of and have accessed them many times with a computer over LAN connections.  I have not made any changes in the setup and, as I recall, have not specifically set up a username and password.  I had previously been accessing them for days without a username or password.

Today I went to access them and both are asking for a username and password. I have tried root & hsmm, callsign & enter, callsign-arar-150-city & whatever.  Nothing works.

I also found that sometimes I can use "http://localnode:8080" and other times I have had to use "http://localnode.local.mesh:8080"

Enlightenment appreciated...

K5DLQ's picture
the username is always "root"
the username is always "root".  You setup the password upon initial configuration.
If you want to reset the password, do the following:
boot the node up fully (2mins)
hold the reset button for 5 seconds.

After reboot, the node's password will be "hsmm"
K8KO's picture
Thanks for the rapid response
Thanks for the rapid response, but questions remain...

1. Why the sudden appearance of the password dialog box when it never happened before?

2. Why sometimes  "http://localnode:8080" and other times  "http://localnode.local.mesh:8080"
1) Most browsers will cache
1) Most browsers will cache that your logged in and send the information automatically for you until a triggering event (varies per browser) causes them to loose the information and prompt you again.

2) Officially http://localnode.local.mesh:8080/ is the fully recommended link to visit,  What happens when you use http://localnode:8080" is your computer asks all the DNS servers it has iin its list (make sure your connected  only to the mesh node not mesh node via cat5 and internet via wifi)  when you connect a 'search root' is sent to your computer and told "when the user puts in localnode turn it to localnode.local.mesh" however if your computer is on multiple networks or if the computer is configured not to accept this setting you will need to use the full length url.  Also complicating matters, most browsers keep a cache of NAME TO IP mapping to speed up internet access, if you make a setting to the LAN Configuration (such as going from 3 direct to 5 direct) the browser may try and reach the node at its old (incorrect) ip until some time has elapsed (or all browser windows are closed)
K8KO's picture
OK, so I did all of the above
OK, so I did all of the above and can now access each router with a PC connected via ethernet. PC WiFi is off.
I have two AirRouterAR's in the same room with a fresh install of   Router A is connected to PC A. Router B is connected to PC B.
Prior to this event, I could connect to router B with PC A and router A with PC B.
I can no longer do this. 
All I get is this:

Any further enlightenment is appreciated.

K8KO's picture
resolved #2

One SSID had a typo !  

K5DLQ's picture
it's usually those simple
it's usually those simple mistakes that bite ya!  ;-) glad you figured it out

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