As Darryl indicates, it's not expected to be much in demand. From an effort perpective, a channel of 0 in the source code is previously coded as an error condition. It's pervasive and a non-trivial change. We've determined our time would be better spent elsewhere.
Switching to freq instead of ch #s would be as much work or more to get ch 2407 or ch '0' working. Lots of code was written around making it easy to enter channel #s. We're a small community of "frequency aware" users compared to the masses of other users of wireless linux.
not enough bandwidth to clear part 15 devices on channel 1
Thanks for the explanation, Joe.
An idea?
How about a radio button that allows a frequency in Mhz to be entered, example 2402 instead of -1.
Switching to freq instead of ch #s would be as much work or more to get ch 2407 or ch '0' working. Lots of code was written around making it easy to enter channel #s. We're a small community of "frequency aware" users compared to the masses of other users of wireless linux.