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I just watched the video from the Hamvention forum and have a question. How do I need to setup csipsimple to use it on the Aredn network?

Hello, csipsimple is a VoIP
Hello, csipsimple is a VoIP app that connects to a SIP server like Asterisk-PBX. 

I use RasPBX as my Asterisk-PBX. It's free and uses a Raspberry PI.
I also use AllStarLink's Dial OS for VoIP and RoIP.
If you want a hosted PBX try PBXes.
I don't use csipsimple. On some android phones SIP VoIP is built in. Click here to setup.
If your phone doesn't have it built in I would use Zoiper lite. iPhone Android Windows Mac Linux. If you have a Google Account. You can use Google Hangouts dialer to make free calls. 

But for ECOMs that's a whole other ball of Wax. I'll let some else answer that one.

kd4kso's picture
Thanks David
Thanks David

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