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Flashing a node from BBHN to Aredn

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Flashing a node from BBHN to Aredn
Are there instructions on the site for those people who have Ubiquiti radios running BBHN and want to change them over to Aredn firmware? I found instructions about going from UBNT to Aredn and in my experience, that is only half the work. I've had to flash the node back to UBNT before going to Aredn. Is this correct?

K5DLQ's picture
It's SUPER easy.  Download
It's SUPER easy.  Download the appropriate AREDN firmware for your device (using the "SYSUPGRADE" file version, not the FACTORY version).
Go into BBHN, Setup, upgrade firmware, point to the AREDN file, upgrade.
After updating, setup your device (node name, password, channel, bandwidth, distance value), save and reboot.
Thanks for the help
For some reason I was thinking it was more difficult that just using the sysupgrade. I think it was because I was having problems with my three nanobridges not being nice so I did the thing. They are working now on Aredn so that is good.

Thanks for the help.

K5DLQ's picture
great.  glad to help!
great.  glad to help!
kd8txw's picture
How do I flash Ubiquiti Loco M2 and Nanostation M2 Mesh AP?

Hi, I have a similar question but for hsmm-bbhn Mesh AP conversion to AREDN Mesh.

I have already followed your instructions and converted two loco M2 nodes and one airgrid M2 to AREDN. I have a loco M2 and a nanostation M2 that are hsmm-bbhn Mesh AP nodes.  I want to make them AREDN Mesh nodes. They do work as is on the AREDN mesh.

I haven't touched this stuff in a couple of years so I don't even recall how to get the APs back to hsmm-bbhn Mesh nodes.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

AE6XE's picture
Gordon,   If the NSM2 and the
Gordon,   If the NSM2 and the Loco M2 are running bbhn firmware, then you can upload the current "sysupgrade" flavor of AREDN from the BBHN Admin screen.    Acquire a new IP address on your laptop after the node reboots, access using "http://localnode:8080", then go into the setup to type in callsign, etc.

kd8txw's picture
thanks for the feedback
kd8txw's picture
converting bbhn Mesh AP to AREDN Mesh

These steps worked for me.
Change computer IP to, subnet mask to
Attach etherenet cable of MESH AP to computer
In Internet Explorer go to " The Mesh AP window will appear.
Go to setup and change from Mesh AP to Mesh Node.
Save & Reboot.

The Ubiquiti Loco M2 or NS M2 is now a BBHN Mesh node.

Change IP back to Dynamic IP

Now proceed with the typical upgrade to AREDN firmware as described elsewhere.

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