So I just purchased the TP Link CPE210 off amazon and received hardware Version 2 of the device and was unable to flash the stable version of the firmware. I got the message with both the current nightly firmware build and stable "hardware not support" error. Yes I shortened the file names on both attempts.
Just tried 3.17.10RC1 build with the same result screen shot for clarity.

Firmware Version: (is the most current off the TP link Website)
Hardware Version:
I will post this error to bloodhound, thanks!
Edit Done it is now ticket #238 on bloodhound.
Error message is hardware not supported
I am wondering if any progress has been made with these devices as there are many stations up here in the northwest of England bought v1, v1.1 and v2 thinking they were supported. I appreciate it may be a low priority as most are using Ubiquity devices but in the UK at least these are a very low cost alternative if they work and it seems a crying shame that these are languishing in a box at the back of the shack.
Best Regards
Eddie de G&DNM
As much as I would like to assist in moving this forward, unfortunately I lack the technical know to do so. I am not a programmer. Hence the request.
Andre, K6AH
Hi Andre,
And thanks for the response.
I appreciate that there are bigger fish to fry, so to speak.
Several people have brought up the subject in recent discussions so I asked the question on their behalf really.
Currently these are available for around $50 / £40 in the UK so would make a very economical alternative.
Will keep one eye on the forum for any developments.
Thanks again for the response.
Best Regards
Eddie de G7DNM
Purchased the latest TP-link CPE210 v2.0 Firmware Version 2.1.11 Build 20181117 (5553), but is not compatible with any of the builds available. I am getting "Harware not Compatible" error when trying the to install firmware. This happens with the following firmware:
I have read in these Forums that the problem is on-going due to the amount of and frequency of hardware changes TP-Link is making ongoing.
Any idea when there may be a firmware for this version? Or am I doing something wrong?!
I just checked the link to the Nightly Builds and it is working properly.
After you get to the page, go to the targets directory then go to the ar71xx directory to get the file you need.