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2397Mhz M2 in Access Point Mode

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KA7HAK's picture
2397Mhz M2 in Access Point Mode

Is it possible to put an M2 into managed AP mode and use the 2397Mhz channel? (AREDN firmware or otherwise) ?


K5DLQ's picture
There's a difference between
There's a difference between possible and supported (under AREDN).
As mentioned in the and help file, AREDN is deprecating the "AP" mode (in and beyond).  We will most likely be removing the AP support files in the future as well (since it won't be necessary and it consumes ram and storage).
So, while it's technically possible, it is certainly not supported in AREDN.

I hope this clarifies it.
KA7HAK's picture
But it's possible
So it's possible to throw OpenWRT on an M2 and run in managed mode AP at -2, then of course have a client mode radio to see it. But AREDN won't have it. Thanks.
K5DLQ's picture
Yes, if you compile in all

Yes, if you compile in all the kernel mods/code changes to make ch -2 work on OpenWrt. (and most "clients" ie. cell phones, PC's, etc) aren't aware to look for -2 either.... so there's that.  Depends on what you are trying to do.


Don't forget the need to
Don't forget the need to write a program and run it on both the AP and CLIENT to meet Amateur radio Identification rules as well (contrary to popular belief setting the SSID of  the network doesn't identify it as the SSID is broadcast routinely only by the AP not the client)

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